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Men with Pimples? Here's What Dermatologists and Skin Care Experts Recommend You to Do!

Men generally are not like women who spend time in front of the mirror. They often love sports and the great outdoors instead of checking themselves in the mirrors. With that being said, men experience skin problems. Skin care experts and dermatologists have listed some recommendations. Fortunately, those can be treated through home remedies. Here are the problems and the home remedies for each: 

1. Dead skill cells – Add a few drops of olive oil to granulated sugar or baking soda. Gently massage using you fingertips to exfoliate those dead cells. Rinse. Do this home remedy for twice a week only. 

2. Excessive oils – Men’s common mistake is that they tend to wash their faces with soap and water frequently. Truth is, it causes more oils to be produced by the sebaceous glands as it attempts to get rid of dryness. Maximum number of washing your face should be two times a day. You can use blotting paper in between washes so you can maintain a shine-free face. Oatmeal with water is also a good oil-absorbing facemask. Apply it and make it stay on your face for 15 minutes, then rinse 

3. Eye bags – used green tea bags are highly effective for this skin condition. Place the used green tea bags in the fridge for a few minutes. Lie down and place those in your eyes. Egg whites also make a good result. Apply egg white under your eyes and rinse off when the skin feels taut. 

4. Fine Lines – You can get rid of fine lines by using olive oil or coconut oil. Apply a thin layer on your face to keep your face moisturized.

 5. Pimples – Add a few drops of water to baking soda. Spread the paste onto pimples to fasten the drying and healing of pimples. 

6. Razor Burn – You can get rid of this through washing face with lukewarm water as it softens both skin and hair. Apply soap/shampoo or shaving cream before shaving. In case razor burn already exists, apply vitamin E capsule oil on the problem areas. The gel in an aloe vera leaf also helps. 

7. Suntan – Apply a mixture of turmeric powder to problem areas and plain yogurt from the fridge. Leave for 30 minutes, then rinse. 

8. White heads – Mix a white of an egg with honey. Apply on your face, leave for 30 minutes then rinse using cold water.
Men with Pimples? Here's What Dermatologists and Skin Care Experts Recommend You to Do! Men with Pimples? Here's What Dermatologists and Skin Care Experts Recommend You to Do! Reviewed by Elite Reads Daily on 5:49 AM Rating: 5

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