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WATCH: This Teens Don't Know the Difference Between a Good and a Bad Joke - Tosses Sleeping Man into the Bay!

This video taken in Montevideo, Uruguay will surely make you cringe! Travelling in Montevideo, Uruguay could be the best thing! They have majestic scenery and remarkable tourists spots in Uruguay which the South America can really be proud of. Unfortunately, while a lot of people here are very accommodating, there are still those who lacks manners. Check this out!

A video of these two teens pranked a sleeping homeless man. But their prank can really kill. This video of two teens dumping the sleeping homeless man into the bay will surely make you angry.

They even took the video of their act! The man who was handling the camera was obviously laughing as they tossed the heavy sleeper's man into the bay. One person was holding his head and the others are pulling his legs. Seconds later, this group of teeners tossed the defenseless man into the water. It can be seen that the man was in shock and is terribly in distress as he falls into the water.

While the pranksters may have just treated this as a joke, it isn't a good one! It's still unknown whether they were arrested or fined for what they did. But, these teens should be reprimanded. Their heartless act can cause one man's life. Liveleak uploaded this video which has been viewed for around 50,000 times already.

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WATCH: This Teens Don't Know the Difference Between a Good and a Bad Joke - Tosses Sleeping Man into the Bay! WATCH: This Teens Don't Know the Difference Between a Good and a Bad Joke - Tosses Sleeping Man into the Bay! Reviewed by Elite Reads Daily on 5:51 AM Rating: 5

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