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This Car Show Model Earns Flak for Causing Damage to their Job's Reputation, Find Out Why!

We all love our jobs. Whether you are an engineer, a lawyer, a finance consultant, insurance attorney, doctor or even a fruit picker in New Zealand. Our jobs give us money for our daily living. Moreso, these jobs are our passion, they are most of the time, what we live for. But, it may be different for this case. If you have a job as a car model, would you have done what this car show model did?

This alleged car show model caught the attention of everyone as her photos were spread in FB. Aine Alegre Tan revealed these on her account, telling people about how this woman is ruining the image of their job as car show model.

Here are some of the photos of the car show model, doing promiscuous act in public.

It was not divulged whether what kind of event this is, even the name of the woman who allegedly has a job as a car show model. These were not mentioned in the post of Tan below:

There are also people who commented that the guy should have not taken his shirt off in public for all the eyes to see. As of the moment, the photo is still being shared online. But still, this is an unconfirmed and the information didn't even reveal which car show these were captured.

This Car Show Model Earns Flak for Causing Damage to their Job's Reputation, Find Out Why! This Car Show Model Earns Flak for Causing Damage to their Job's Reputation, Find Out Why! Reviewed by Elite Reads Daily on 4:53 AM Rating: 5

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