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Shop Owner Treats Homeless Guy Like A Dirt, He Was Surprised, Even Teary-eyed, What He's Been Up To!

Most of the people may feel scared or even hateful towards homeless people. Maybe it is because of the way they look- dirty and ugly plus their smell-bad or their appearance broadcasts their poverty, which may leave us an impression that they are capable of robbing us. Then again, no one is entitled to judge anyone with the way they look.

Every morning, a shop owner is always mad because of a dirty homeless guy who is often caught sleeping by the front door. The owner will angrily push the homeless guy away even if the poor homeless guy does nothing wrong but sleep there. There are even times that the owner would chase the homeless guy with a broomstick or pour a bucket of water on the guy.

Then finally, the homeless guy was gone which left the owner surprised as he would see that the doorway was empty as he opens the shop each morning.

The owner got curious so he reviewed the CCTV footage. What happened made him cry.

Shop Owner Treats Homeless Guy Like A Dirt, He Was Surprised, Even Teary-eyed, What He's Been Up To! Shop Owner Treats Homeless Guy Like A Dirt, He Was Surprised, Even Teary-eyed, What He's Been Up To! Reviewed by Elite Reads Daily on 7:52 AM Rating: 5

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